Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The classification of Pakistani people.

Almost everywhere I see on the internet,Pakistani people complain about how the youth is going astray from their religious morals and going astray.This "supposed" problem has been going on since a long time and has almost created a rift between the traditional conservative society and the modern liberal society(mostly influenced by the west) in Pakistan.

The conservative people want everyone in Pakistan to adhere to Islamic teachings and stick to traditional values.They mostly like to interfere in other people's believes and to teach them their own flawed values.Things like listening to music,women driving,wearing jeans,men talking to women seems to drive them nuts.They demand that men and women have a distance(Ummm...gays?) and might even take up violence against those things that they deem immoral.The problem with them is that they are living in miserable conditions due to the heavy inflation and poverty rate in the country and they somehow deem the west responsible for it.They are under an impression that their culture and identity are under attack by the West,more specifically America.Since they already have nothing to lose due to their miserable conditions,they devote themselves entirely to religion in the hopes that they would be rewarded in the hereafter.That causes them to do crazy things,more specifically kill civilians or commit suicide bombings,thinking that they are following the will of Allah.These are the people who are also scapegoats of extremist Imams,who order for a "nuetralization" of Pakistan back to an Islamic state.S0me of these people are even offered cash for participation in terrorist attacks.An example is Ajmal Qasab. I really felt pity on the kid upon hearing his interview.He was recruited by a taliban group who offered him a cash reward for participation in the Mumbai 2008 attacks.Already living in miserable conditions,he opted for it.The Pakistani government was clearly at fault here for letting militant groups like those operate openly in rural areas.My suggestion to the government of Pakistan is that instead of showering in IMF gold and buying luxurious cars and houses besides acting like an IMF whore,spare some of the money for these kind of people and their welfare.I know its hard to hold off on buying that new Rolls Royce Phantom from tax money given by the poor masses,but they deserve atleast something in return for breaking their backs.

Then there is the upper middle class society Pakistan.Actually there are two subsections to that;the liberal kind and the snobbish kind.Lets first have a look at the snobbish kind.Most of them are upper middle classed or children of Government officials(see where Iam heading).They are mostly uneducated and can clearly be spotted by playing loud music/political sermons or political flags on their cars.They can be seen mostly driving around in government number plated prados and corollas.They don't have much regard for rules as they can call up their daddies even if they are caught by the law.I vividly remember once a 11 year old son of a government official driving right into an uncle riding a bike.The police came and instead of apprehending the kid,started abusing and beating the poor man.At another time when I was in hyderabad,I remember that a 13-14 year old kid was driving a police mobile with the siren on,halting all the oncoming traffic.These are the worst kind of people in Pakistan(yes,even worse then the oh so feared taliban).They are also called by other aliases,more specifically Burger kids.

Then there are the liberal people.They believe in freedom of speech,religion and sexuality.Most of them are non religious and have links in the west.Some of them work as radio jockeys or hosts on tv shows.Many are also enrolled in welfare organizations and have received their education from reputed schools and universities.They give a brighter picture of Pakistan while trying to avoid the political turmoil in Pakistan.They do not like to be involved in religious and political debates and would just like to enjoy life.Sadly,most of them move abroad after completing their studies due to lack of opportunities and freedom here.

There are also some of those people who follow Islam and yet are very good people at heart.One of my college friends is a very good example.He prays five times a day,refrains from alcohol and believes in Allah and his last prophet.Yet he believes in freedom of speech and religion and doesn't have that conservative traditional thinking like most religious people do.

The only solution which I can see to create unity among the people is summed up by Geo News channels motto:Geo or Jeenay do(Live and let live).People need to stop discriminating others for their beliefs and financial standings.I do not see this happening anytime soon atleast but people should start to see from an other person's prospective too.You can't just impose your belief on someone or judge someone by what they belief.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

10 Lessons learnt from "My Name is Khan".

I just saw My name is Khan.I truly have learnt a lot from this movie;

1)If you want your infant son to stay asleep in his crib,teaching your mentally disturbed son how to clap at the same time is not such a wise idea.

2)Mentally disabled people tend to misunderstand most things in a dirty way(Mamma Jenny:"Change your clothes dear(the clothes were wet)" Khan:"Mamma Jenny,do you want me to get naked?"

3)All muslims in America are South Asians.

4)People with Asperger's syndrome last more then 1 minute in bed(Mandira:"You want to have sex now?" Khan:"Yes Mandira" Mandira:"(wait)1 minute" Khan:"Mandira,It will take more then 1 minute")

5)A football penalty shoot can be fatal,especially coming from a white boy.

6)Black folks have special powers with which they can sing in a language they probably have never heard before.

7)The word "terrorist" coming from a Muslim in public can lead to misunderstandings,and in some cases,detention in guantanamo bay.

8)You can take a taxi to a place where a hurricane is wailing.

9)If a person is competing for presidency,he should atleast pronounce correctly the name of the person who went into this much trouble just to inform him that he is not a terrorist."Khan" is just as easy to say as "Kahn"


10)If you are going into this much trouble to meet the president,then atleast be sure of who actually is the president.Khan was shown to meet Obama as soon as he was elected.As the president doesn't assume office till after a month approximately,Obama wasn't really the president when Khan met him.So Khan DID NOT meet the president at all.What a finger to Khan.

Is there any living thing that doesnot experience natural death?

That is the question I had been asking myself since a long time.And Now I finally got the answer.Researchers have recently discovered such a creature in the carribbean. The Turritopsis nutricula,more commonly called the immortal jellyfish,is a creature who can revert to the polyp stage after becoming sexually mature.In human language,This jellyfish can reverse it's aging cycle after reaching adulthood.And it can repeat this cycle an infinite number of times,bypassing death and making it biologically immortal.As of yet,it is the only proven specie in the animal kingdom capable of performing this feat.

As good as it sounds,these jellyfish are likely to suffer from disease at an early stage of their life,or being eaten by other animals in the sea.

Introduction to this Blogg as a whole.

Ok guys,it has been my dream for a long time to create a website.The first time i created a website was a pokemon fansite(Yes,I was crazy about pokemon at the time)through a free online website creator back in 2005.I had just created it for fun but the complex nature of the website forced me to abandon that.

Now though,I have started this Blogg,which is much simpler in nature as compared to creating a website.The purpose of the blogg as a whole is to post jokes,random(but amazing)facts,educational advice and other things to make sure your visit to my Blogg is worthwhile.

Be sure to tune into my next post,and do click on the follow button at the right if you want to be updated with my new posts.Also feel free to ask me about anything in the comments tab below.